Dear Arukah Sanctuary Family,
As the designated Safeguarding Lead, I want to take a moment to remind you that our church is a safe and nurturing environment for all individuals, particularly children and vulnerable adults.
As we strive to create a haven of hope and love, we are committed to providing a safe space for everyone to grow, learn, and worship. This includes ensuring that our church is free from harm, abuse, and exploitation.
As a community, we are responsible for looking out for one another and reporting any concerns or suspicions of harm or abuse. If you have any concerns or have witnessed something that makes you uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to speak with me or our pastoral team.
We take all reports of harm or abuse seriously and will respond promptly and appropriately. We will also provide support and resources to those who have been affected by harm or abuse.
Remember, we are all in this together, and we are stronger as a community when we look out for one another.
If you would like to learn more about our safeguarding policies and procedures, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to support and serve you.
May God bless and guide us as we strive to create a safe and loving community.
Contact me:
Telephone: 07961081982
Safeguarding Policy for Arukah Sanctuary
Arukah Sanctuary is committed to promoting the welfare and safety of all individuals, particularly children, young people, and vulnerable adults involved in our church community. We believe that everyone has the right to be protected and respected, and we recognize our responsibility to safeguard them from harm.
This safeguarding policy sets out our commitment to ensuring the well-being of all individuals who come into contact with our church, including members, visitors, and volunteers. It outlines the procedures we have in place to prevent and respond to concerns about potential abuse or harm, and the steps we take to promote a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Key Principles
1. At Arukah Sanctuary, we believe that:
- Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. We all have a duty to recognize the signs of abuse and respond appropriately to concerns.
- All individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, or any other characteristic.
- Any form of abuse or harm is unacceptable and will not be tolerated within our church community.
- We must be proactive in safeguarding individuals by creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all.
· Children and young adults Those under the age of 18.
Vulnerable adults
As defined in Section 59 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Groups Act 2006 and / or those persons aged 18 and over who by reason of mental or any other disability, age or illness are, or may be, unable to look after or to protect themselves against harm or exploitation.
Adults at risk of harm
· Defined as people aged 18 years or over who may need or receive
· community care services by reason of mental health or other
· disability, age or illness and who may be unable to take care of
· themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or
· exploitation.
· Abuse Sexual abuse (inappropriate behaviour or relationship) including rape,
· indecent exposure, sexual harassment, teasing or innuendo or sexual
· acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.
· Physical abuse including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, restraint,
· or inappropriate physical sanctions.
· Emotional abuse including threats of harm or abandonment,
· deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation.
· Neglect including ignoring medical, emotional, or physical care needs.
· Female Genital Mutilation.
· Exploitation including theft, fraud, sexual, forced marriage, forced
· labour through modern slavery and/or human trafficking.
· Grooming (e.g., for a sexual, criminal or radicalisation intent).
· Domestic violence.
· Bullying, including cyber bullying.
· Victimisation.
· Self-harm such as neglecting to care for personal hygiene, health or
· surroundings.
Vulnerable Person
Substantially dependent upon others in performing basic physical
· functions, or their ability to communicate with other providing
· services, or to communicate with others, is severely impaired.
· Living in in sheltered housing or residential accommodation, such as a
· care home or a residential special school.
· Receiving any form of health domiciliary care in their own home.
· Detained in a prison, remand centre, young offender institution,
· secure training centre or attendance centre or under the powers of the
· Immigration and Asylum Act.
· In contact with probation services.
· Receiving a welfare service.
· Under-represented group.
· Acting as a carer for another family member.
· Background in offending or is showing signs of being drawn in to
· antisocial or criminal behaviour.
· Has a disability or social need.
· Has special educational needs (whether they have a statutory
· Education, Health and Care Plan).
· Lives ‘In Care’ or has recently transitioned out of Care.
· Is a young carer.
· Is frequently missing or goes missing from care or from home.
· Is within a family circumstance presenting challenges.
Safeguarding concern Referred to as Concern throughout this document.
Policy Implementation
1. Safeguarding Lead: Arukah Sanctuary has designated a Safeguarding Lead who is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy and ensuring that all safeguarding measures are in place and up to date. The Safeguarding Lead is also responsible for responding to concerns raised about potential abuse or harm.
2. Safeguarding Training: All staff, volunteers, and leaders involved in the church are required to undergo safeguarding training to familiarize themselves with the signs of abuse, reporting procedures, and best practices for safeguarding individuals. Training will be provided on a regular basis and include updates on relevant policies and legislation.
3. Code of Conduct: All individuals connected with Arukah Sanctuary are expected to adhere to a Code of Conduct that outlines acceptable behaviours and expectations when working with vulnerable individuals. This includes respecting boundaries, maintaining confidentiality, and reporting any concerns promptly.
4. Risk Assessments: Regular risk assessments will be conducted to identify potential risks or vulnerabilities within the church community and take steps to mitigate them. This may include implementing safeguarding measures, ensuring appropriate supervision, and establishing clear guidelines for all activities.
5. Reporting Procedures: Any concerns or suspicions about abuse or harm must be reported to the Safeguarding Lead immediately. All reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly, following established procedures and guidelines for safeguarding.
6. Support and Signposting: Arukah Sanctuary will provide support to individuals who have experienced or witnessed abuse, including access to counselling, advocacy, and appropriate signposting to external support services.
Concern about vulnerable person If any person raises a concern about either their own personal welfare and wellbeing, or the personal welfare and wellbeing of another vulnerable person, Volunteer must listen to and record all information on Safeguarding.
The following rules must be applied when completing the Form:
• Make no judgements or assumptions.
• Take any actions required to secure the immediate safety of the child or the adult at risk.
• Ask the vulnerable person for their consent to refer the concern to the DSL.
• If the safety and / or wellbeing of the vulnerable person is at risk and you believe the risk would increase if additional support and guidance is not sought, refer the matter to the DSL even if the vulnerable person does not give their consent for you to do so. The DSL will then decide the appropriate course of action.
• If a referral is made to an external organization / agency is appropriate the DSL will complete a Safeguarding Escalation Form.
• Give the original Form to the DSL. Volunteers must be always mindful of confidentiality. No follow up information should be passed on to a person who raised a concern without the express consent of the Vulnerable person.
Arukah Sanctuary is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where all individuals are valued and protected. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to preventing harm, responding to concerns, and promoting the well-being of everyone within our church community. By working together to uphold these principles, we can ensure that Arukah Sanctuary remains a safe and welcoming place for all.
Safeguarding and Welfare Team
Evanglist Christopher Falola (DLS)
Rev Joseph Adekunle – Welfare Officer /Governor (DDLS)
Director. Moses Nelson – Head of Units/Welfare -07417552917
Children Teachers
Reverend Mother. Patricia Thompson -07594068899
Sister. AnnMarie Thompson-07594068899
Reverend Mother Blessing
Emergency/ Contacts IAG
· Police 999
· Advice on talking therapies including contact details of counsellors
· Samaritans 0845 790 9090
· Citizens Advice Bureau 0345 404 0506
· Age UK 0800 678
· Robin Brivio - 03301 651 200
Sandwell Children’s Trust on 0121 569 3100
Broadwell Road,
West Midlands,
B69 4HE
Telephone: 0121 569 4800
Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership 3-5 St James's Road, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 1HZ Tell Us your concerns For children 0300 555 0050.
BSMHFT has a designated Safeguarding Team, and you
can contact them on 0121 301 1100 (Monday - Friday 9-4
pm) for general advice and information about
safeguarding children and adults.
Local contacts
National Contacts: Thirtyone:eight (formerly known as CCPAS – the Church’s Child Protection Advisory Service): 0303
003 1111
Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 0800 0699 784
ChildLine: 0800 1111
NSPCC: Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Policy reviewer: Reverend Nathalie Dawud
Review Date. 03.11.2024
Relevant Policies
· Health and Safety
· Risk Assessment
· Prevent Strategy
· Recording and Reporting
· Data Protection
· Whistle Blowing
· Safeguarding pack
· Code of Conduct
Registered Body: